Friday, August 28, 2009

Lifestreaming - does "Hub and Spokes" Work?

Steve Rubel's post on the changing model of how we interact with social media is right on. As we drown in increasing levels of digital noise, we each struggle with how best to interact with it.

I sold office automation software in the early days of email. There was a predictable adoption curve within companies. Once folks got used to an electronic inbox, they soon wondered why they weren't getting as much email as others around them. It didn't take long for the novelty to wear thin and they were eventually deluged with so many NEW messages that they struggled to keep it all organized. Nowadays each new popular social media tool seems to be going through a similar track.

Hub and Spokes
While Steve's "Hub abd Spokes" model seems attractive, I feel we use the different social sites much like the various roles we play in society... parent, student, friend, provider, spouse, lover, child, co-worker, neighbor. And we change "hats" frequently throughout the day. Likewise, we use different social sites to meet different needs, to connect us to different communities, and gather/share different opinions.

I really like Posterous, and I think the hub and spoke model may be the best way to stay connected to all of my different online social "spaces" - today. But that is more because it lets me maintain my presence in each of them with less overall effort. But it doesn't really help me aggregate or visit each of these neighborhoods. I am still looking for a good solution there, as the models evolve.

Re: Personal organization - I know I need to start organizing things when I can't see the top of my desk. Unfortunately, the same isn't true of the electronic counterparts. Your electronic inbox (or feed reader) doesn't fall over when it gets too full!

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